School Site Council

Selection of Officers and Duties

In order to conduct business effectively, the councils will need officers with stated responsibilities and authority, including:

 A chairperson to organize, convene and lead meetings
 A vice‐chairperson to serve in the absence of the chairperson
 A secretary to record actions taken at the meetings and keep records
 A parliamentarian to resolve questions of procedure, often with the help of
Robert’s Rules of Order or similar guide
 One parent member from the SSC to represent the school at the District Advisory
Committee (DAC) and one parent member from the ELAC to represent the school at
the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
 Other officers needed to perform stated duties in support of the work of the SSC or


The ELAC is responsible for the following:
 Advising the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Learners
 Advising the SSC on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
 Assisting with the school’s:
 Needs assessment
 Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance
 Reviews the annual language census